ESTADO INGRAVITTO a NYC theatrical performance by Breaking Conformity Productions, Inc. featuring work by internationally acclaimed choreographer Ashlé Dawson!

A show that raises Mayan Gods & Goddesses back to life and unfolds their stories on the joyous “Dia De Los Muertos” (Day Of The Dead). “Estado Ingravitto” combines history, story telling and mythology to create a fantastical performance that brings long forgotten creatures and spirits back to life and lends them a modern day exciting twist; even the “Forgotten Ones” join in the celebration of remembrance. There are moments of realism and moments of pure imagination in this exhilarating journey that will unite multiple cultures to rejoice in the colorful dance and music of Latin America. “Estado Ingravitto” reaches all audiences through the shows intriguing dance, enthralling music, intricate makeup and the elaborate costumes, which bring the performers’ characters to life

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